Sunday, July 7, 2019

New Delhi sets standard for Social and Emotional Learning


A theme during our stay in Delhi has been the educational reforms that this capital state has undertaken over the last few years. Similar to the US, Indian teachers have identified psycological struggles in students to be a significant barrier to success. American public schools have started to call this Social Emotional Learning. In Indiana, my home school, we've committed to learning more from what the research tells us, and making investments in our current curriculum.
IASD defines SEL

Delhi schools have also embarked on a journey to addressing the social and emotional needs that setstudents up to learn, called the Happiness Curriculum.

This two year old initiative includes daily lessons from Grades 1-8, that focus on brining harmony between one's inner state, relationships with others, and in society at large to encourage active, meaningful participation as an Indian citizen. Lessons include mindfullness, stories, personal reflection, and cooperative activities.

New Delhi schools focus on Happiness
The program was inspired by Deputy Chief Minister of Education for Delhi schools, Manish Sisoda, who we got to meet at the Khichripur School of Excellence this week. Unlike us, this is a true celebrity in Delhi schools. We also met Dr. Anil Kumar, principal of a teacher training school in Delhi who was on the team that created the Happiness Curriculum.

If the U.S. is interested in addressing the social and emotional needs of students, we would be wise to look to Delhi public schools as a model.
Dr. Kumar and his staff explain the Happiness Curriculum.

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